Faull, Christina, Palliative care / Christina Faull, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, LOROS, The Leicestershire and Rutland Hospice and the University Hospitals of Leicester, Honorary Professor of Palliative Medicine, Centre for Promotion of Excellence In Palliative Care, de Montfort University, Leicester, and Kerry Blankley, Education Facilitator, LOROS, The Leichestershire and Rutland Hospice, Honorary Lecturer, Centre for Promotion of Excellence in Palliative Care, de Montfort Universty, Leicester. - Second edition. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015. - vi, 157 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. - Oxford core texts Oxford medical publications . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. . - Oxford core texts. Oxford medical publications. .